Releasing & Restoring - for Soul Recovery & Inner Knowing
Service Description
Rooted in ancient practices, Shamanic healing addresses the more subtle and energetic side of problems and illnesses. It looks beyond ordinary reality and uses ancestral memory, symbolism and the invisible realms to help reveal deeper meaning, soul purpose and promote stronger connection to spiritual source. This gentle ritual is open for those seeking to remove energy blockages, recover lost personal power, restore soul vitality and remove harmful energies. It brings awareness to solve life problems and enhances a desire for change and an expanded sense of wholeness. Sessions start by the river, a goal or intention is set, and then the cocoon of a darkened healing room provides a space to clear energies and energise chakras through smudging with feathers and smoke, rattles , power stones and a journey with drumming and visualisation. The session closes wrapped in blankets with a ceremonial healing tea and sharing.

Contact Details
20 Place de l'Église, Sonnac-sur-l'Hers, France